July 4 Devotion

July 4. Independence Day. Such a blessing living in a country that celebrates because of what our forefathers did for us over 200 years ago. Just think about that for a moment. They knew signing the Declaration of Independence was going to lead to war with the most powerful country in the world at that time. They knew King George was going to send all he had to put down the rebellion. Yet they still signed it. For that we need to be thankful.

One of the reasons the Declaration of Independence even became a document was for religious freedom. For those of you that don’t know, the Church of England was law at one point. And the leader of that church was the king. So not only was the declaration declaring that we were going to be a separate country, we were pulling away from religious law. And that is something that we can now cling to. Religious freedom. I’m not sure the forefathers saw just how far religious freedom has gone. But, we have that right. And it is a constitutional right. One that we should not take lightly. Now let’s talk a little bit about our responsibilities. 

A few years ago, our preacher made a comment in his message that has always stuck with me. Basically, he told us that as Christians, we have become comfortable over the last 30, 40, 50 years. Almost taking our belief for granted. Not really standing up to anything because it didn’t affect us personally. And oh how right he was. How right he is now. We have become comfortable. And that can lead to laziness. And in certain situations, laziness can lead to our fall. Because laziness is dangerous. So today, I challenge you to not only celebrate July 4. I challenge you to seek for ways to show others your belief. Show others who Jesus Christ is. Today I challenge you to honor what was signed for us 200+ years ago. Remember those who have served. Who have died. And who are still serving to  protect that document. Let’s be strong as Christians. Let others see the Love and Hope that only comes from Jesus Christ. Let others see the peace that he gives you. I can think of no greater way to honor our Lord and Savior then by being bold.

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