July 8 Devotion

Years ago, when I was playing basketball, I remember the excitement that I felt before each game. The anticipation was fantastic. Yes there was some anxiousness. Some nervousness. But they were paired with excitement. That feeling continued on later when I was coaching. I could feel it in my stomach. Realizing that all the hard work was getting ready to be rewarded. Hopefully with a win as well. Although I don’t play or coach anymore, I still get feelings of excitement from other activities. Hunting for instance. It’s exciting to go out the opening morning of the season. Deer season. Or turkey season. The anticipation hoping to be successful after the preparation that I have gone through. Very exciting.

Now let’s talk about you. What is it that gets you excited? Is it an event? Maybe a wedding. Is it something else? Being with family for instance. Or going someplace new. What is it? Think about that. What is exciting to you to the point that you expect to feel joy when you get to do it? Now think about your attitude during those moments. Are you a joy be around? Do you have a good attitude? Most likely, I’m guessing you can say yes to those questions. I hope you can anyway.

There is something that I read about this topic I find very interesting. Our attitude of expectancy begins with Jesus. And that should be joyful. If we focus on him, that should bring us joy. Because he’s never let us down. He never will. Even when he left earth, he told us the Holy Spirit was coming. That definitely does not let us down. We can look at what God promises us and then expect it to happen. Because he keeps his promises. And that’s incredible. We’ve all been let down by people. We’ve all been let down by broken promises. But we will never be let down by our Lord and Savior. And if we believe that, then we should be feeling excitement about what lies ahead. Expecting what lies ahead. Knowing what lies ahead.

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September 2 Devotion

In this day and age where, whenever you turn on the news, it seems like we are just being force-fed negativity. We are being force-fed

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