July 13 Devotion

Every now and then, I ask a question of you and I ask you to raise your hand if it pertains to you. Obviously I don’t see your hands go up. But the point is, I asked a question before we get going because if it does pertain to you, then maybe the devotion will hit home more. Believe me…it hits me every time because the questions I ask pertain especially to me. So the question for today’s devotion is this: “Have you ever been spiritually attacked?” Once again, I bet everyone raised a hand. If you did not, then I’m happy you haven’t been attacked. Or maybe you need to rethink it. Either way, attacks come. They’re going to always come.

What’s important is knowing that they will happen. And also knowing how to react. Or not react. I have a personal example for you. In 2016, I was attacked by someone I was very close to you. Someone that I worked hand-in-hand with. Practically on a daily basis. I don’t know if it was jealousy. I don’t know if it was spite. I don’t know if it was out of hate. But he disguised it as something that I had done. It floored me.  So I walked away. That bridge had been burnt. Walking away was a very difficult thing to do. Because I knew the fire was coming. And it did. I was accused of this and accused of that. Some people I was close to turned their backs on me. Barbara and I were even questioned about our marriage. It was really an interesting time.

When an attack comes, let’s remember that there is a very real battle going on spiritually. So try not to be shocked. Know that the enemy is the devil. Satan is the enemy of our souls. And he uses others in his sneaky ways. Even those that we are close to. Or we thought we were close to. Turning friends and family into enemies. Isn’t that crazy. He comes at us from all directions. Even though he’s already lost, he still attacks. But his attacks are incredible opportunities for us to do amazing things for God. His attacks are opportunities for us to show others God‘s grace. We can even show grace to the one who attacked us. Is there anything more powerful than that? I’m not sure there is in that type of situation. So today, remember they’re coming. The attack may already be happening. But more importantly, remember that God has you. He will get you through. And on the other side of it, you’re going to be stronger than you ever were.

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September 2 Devotion

In this day and age where, whenever you turn on the news, it seems like we are just being force-fed negativity. We are being force-fed

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