July 24 Devotion

It’s election year. November is rapidly approaching. And just as we have seen in past years, there have been topics that have lit “fires” in the main stream and social media platforms. Once again we see people taking sides. We see people bashing one another for their thoughts. We see ugliness coming out. Watching it take place is somewhat depressing. Let’s think about it for a moment. Let’s look at the reason for division. 

I think the division that we are seeing is exposing that there is a problem in our hearts. I think it is exposing that there is a spiritual problem in our country. Just think about what took place a couple weeks ago. We watched an assassination attempt on TV. One spectator lost his life while shielding his family. Two others were critically injured. The bullet was 1 inch away from killing Donald Trump. And yet, there was still tremendous amount of ugliness on the different social media platforms. To the point people were applauding the death of the husband/father. To the point where people were commenting on wishing the shooter would’ve been more accurate. I shouldn’t have been shocked by what I was reading. But I was. 

Social media has made a pathway for people to voice their opinions. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But, when we catch ourselves attacking one another by typing vile things about each other, that shows the problem of our hearts. I’m not going to try to influence you to vote one way or another. I believe that’s between you, your convictions, and God. I’m not going to promote one candidate over another. But I am going to say this. We need to be praying for the family that lost their loved one. He was a true hero. We need to be praying for the family of the shooter. I know that’s probably not the popular thing to do. But there’s a 20 year old that is now dead. My daughter is his age. I couldn’t imagine the sorrow they are feeling. We need to be praying over our country and our hearts. Let’s let God bring us together. I believe that he is the only way for us to purify our hearts. And to unite. Some people say that unity in our country is a lost cause. And they might be right. But…We can still work on our hearts. We can still work on loving each other. Serving each other. Showing the hope and love that can only come from Jesus. And that my friends can bring us together. 

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