July 27 Devotion

The last couple of days I have been able to witness some amazing acts of people serving others. I have also been able to read about some. People doing things just because they should. People doing things because their hearts tells them to do so. People doing things because that’s what we are supposed to do. Serve others. I have read about a friend of mine changing a tire for somebody he doesn’t even know. Another friend of mine went out of his way to push a stranded vehicle out of an intersection. And yesterday, a veteran that I know…purchased a vehicle for another veteran that I know. And then another veteran I know, helped with getting the right battery for him from AutoZone. 

We are called to serve one another. To lower ourselves below others, and lift them up. Jesus gave the perfect example to the disciples. The last night he had with them, he taught a very important lesson. One that we should all learn from. One that we should all follow. Even when he knew he was going to be betrayed, he still served. Even when he knew he was going to be arrested, he still served. Even when he knew he was going to be crucified, he still served. He served by washing feet. He lowered himself below his disciples and washed their dirty feet. Now ask yourself if you would do this. Some of you might. And that’s awesome.

He didn’t do that simply to wash their feet. It was a lesson. Teaching the disciples, and all of us today, how to truly serve others. You lower yourself. That’s exactly what he did. Something that we all need to self analyze about ourselves. So today, let’s look at ourselves and determine if we are serving others. Let’s look at ourselves and determine if we are serving ourselves over others. Let’s be honest. Then, let’s find opportunities to serve others. If we’re having a hard time finding them, let’s create opportunities to serve others. And don’t think that little deeds don’t matter. They all do. We have no idea what we are going to do, at a certain moment, for a certain person, who’s going through a certain difficulty, that could possibly change their lives. Read that again. And again. And again. God‘s timing is always perfect. And if we serve others through him, it will be perfect as well.

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September 2 Devotion

In this day and age where, whenever you turn on the news, it seems like we are just being force-fed negativity. We are being force-fed

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