August 1 Devotion

Barbara and I have been blessed to have three amazing children. And we have five incredible grandkids. Our family gives us amazing joy. So much joy. We smile when we think about them. We have a group text going. And when our phone dings because one of them has put a message out, we don’t waste time opening it. Because most often, one of them is sending us a photo or a funny meme. FaceTime has been an amazing tool to keep touch with our daughter and son-in-law stationed at Gulfport, Mississippi. It’s helped us keep up with our grandsons. Liam loves telling us about his monster trucks. The point here is, we love our family.

As much as family can provide us with great joy, we can also find sorrow. Deep sorrow. Tension within family or friends can be heartbreaking. Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do, it doesn’t go away. You can’t seem to get it to end. It’s always there. It can be immediate family or friends. Or maybe it’s outside the house or outside your close circle. It can be something that they are the root of. Or maybe it’s something that you caused. Doesn’t matter. Tension like this is heartbreaking. And for some reason, we seem to let our pride get in the way of healing it. I find that confusing and interesting.

I think we all want peace and harmony. Especially within family and friends. I think that Satan realizes that if he can divide families and friends, he can keep us from doing God’s work. He knows that he can preoccupy us with the divide. He knows that our hearts will be tied up with what’s going on. He knows that as times like this happen, we must still live. We have daily lives. Work must be done. Bills must be paid. Etc. We must remember that he is sneaky. This is all part of the spiritual warfare we’ve been talking about recently. He attacks our hearts. Gets us pointing fingers at each other. Letting our pride get in the way of our healing. Makes us think that it’s up to the other person to take the first step. That’s pretty clever on his part. So today, let’s do what we can to heal our hearts. Let’s let Jesus take control. If we can do that, then we can heal the tension. Just think how strong our relationships will be with Jesus at the center.

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September 20 Devotion

When I was playing basketball, I fully trusted Coach Armstrong. I know not everyone can say that about their coaches. And I’m sorry that is

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September 17 Devotion

I’ve been asked many times, “How can I be forgiven after what I’ve seen or what I’ve done?” And I’ve heard this over and over,

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