August 3 Devotion

There’s a saying, love never fails. There’s a lot of truth in that. And I believe that because I believe that in our heart, if we love through everything, then we are at peace. Because that’s a gift from Jesus. When our heart is surrendered to Jesus, love will triumph. Now I know it’s not easy to do this all the time. Especially when someone has hurt us. Or even when there’s a family dynamic that is hard to navigate. But I also know that it is possible. And that is awesome.

Let me try to explain this better. With Jesus as the foundation of our life, we see other people differently. We see difficulties differently. We see tragedies differently. We see hurt differently. The love that we get from Jesus is greater than all of those things. It’s a different love. And that allows us to view things differently. This all contradicts what the world says. I get that. But that is one of the things that makes being a believer so incredible. It’s hard to explain to somebody who is not. But there is a peace in our hearts that only be described by the love of Jesus. His love for us. And then our love for others through Jesus.

Trust me, I have failed at loving others all the time. Many times. I have been guilty to cry out for justice. Especially when someone has wronged my wife or children. My first instinct is to retaliate. But I have been able to navigate and overcome those situations through the power of our Lord and Savior. When I did so, he gave me a peace in my heart. And then it turn gave me the ability to love. I do believe there is a time for justice. Most definitely. But I must trust that God sees, God hears, and God will make it work for good and His glory in the end. Once again, I realize this may not be easy to do. But it is something that we must do. Remember this, God loves your enemy just as He loves you.

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September 9 Devotion

Here are more questions for us to consider. For us to really think about. But this morning, I’m wondering where it is that we look

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