August 4 Devotion

We are very aware of the fact that Charlie 22 Outdoors is only going to be successful as long as God is the focus. The mission states it very clearly. If we continue to keep our eyes on that, God will bless our efforts. We know that. We often ask you to keep praying that that is the case. That we always keep the mission as the focus. And we thank you for lifting the ministry up. Your support means the world to us. We also know that the ministry is successful because of the talents of the volunteers and others that are involved. We know that going in alone would only lead us to failure. It didn’t take us long to realize the formula to success is to find opportunities for people to utilize their talents and then get out of their way. I often say that I can mess things up if you give me long enough to be involved with it. Can any of you relate to that?

As we continue talking about love, there’s some similarities between what we were mentioning above about going it alone as compared to having God involved. The Bible tells us to love others as God loves us. The only way we can do that is by having God help us love others. Barbara and I love one another. I love her with all that I am. And I believe she loves me the same. But we both will tell you, that we love God first. He is our number one. Each of us is one another’s number two. He’s first. We are second. He is always looking for us to look to him first in our marriage. And we try to do that. And that’s how our relationships with other family members and friends should be as well. He should be first. They should be second. 

There are many reasons why this should be the order. Obviously, if we do it this way, then we will view our relationships as blessings from God. Even when there is turmoil. Because God’s love is a weapon for us. It’s a way for us to battle the attacks that will come from the outside. God can do for us what we can never do for ourselves. And, God can do for our relationships what we can never do for our relationships. No matter the situation. No matter the relationship. If we choose to have God‘s love first, they will be successful. Just as keeping God first in the ministry, it will be successful. So today, let’s all strive to keep our eyes on God. Let’s turn to him first in all that we do. Do this…and watch how your life is blessed.

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September 20 Devotion

When I was playing basketball, I fully trusted Coach Armstrong. I know not everyone can say that about their coaches. And I’m sorry that is

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September 17 Devotion

I’ve been asked many times, “How can I be forgiven after what I’ve seen or what I’ve done?” And I’ve heard this over and over,

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