August 5 Devotion

Noah Lyles won the men’s 100 m dash yesterday at the 2024 Olympics. It was an amazing race. Photo finish. Simply incredible. Next he’s going to be competing in the 200 m dash. Trying to do what Carl Lewis did so many years ago. Win gold in both of those events. As amazing as his achievements have been, and will continue to me, they are more amazing when you hear about his backstory. Noah grew up battling asthma. Even to the point that he had to see doctors and have hospital visits. But he persevered with the support of his family. It’s hard for me to imagine what that must’ve been like for him. But, he pressed on. He kept going. Now he is considered the fastest man in the world. Because…he pressed on.

God has a purpose for us all. He has a purpose for our lives. No matter what we are going through. No matter the difficulties. We must press forward. There’s a purpose. Moving forward is a choice that we have. Just as Noah made the choice to move forward. And that is an act of obedience. It’s a way for us to praise God. To rely on God. To trust God. Moving forward is also an act of defiance. Because it’s an act of defiance against Satan. Because he doesn’t want us to move forward. Because it shows that we are not going let him control us. Influence us. He wants to destroy us. Pressing on defeats him.

Trials and conflicts are going to come. Tough seasons are going to come. Remember there’s always going to be a source. Either from inside you. Or from the outside. I bet that all of us can probably relate. It’s important for us to try to you recognize the sources. And then it’s important for us to make the choice to keep moving forward. To keep pressing on. Headed towards the goal that our Lord and Savior has for us. Let’s remember this: When we are at our weakest, that can be when God can be the strongest for us. Nothing is intimidating for our God. Nothing is impossible for him to overcome. He is here for us. Because he loves us. He always has. He always will.

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