August 6 Devotion

In 1994, I was a senior in college. I was in my final semester of getting my Undergraduate Degree in Psychology. I was on track to go on to graduate school. But, I kept feeling like it was the wrong path for me. I knew I was going to struggle with many of the beliefs and thoughts of those programs. Anyways, I had been asked to film a Public Service Announcement about drinking and driving. For those of you who don’t know, I was paralyzed in an accident that was due to drunk driving. The filming took place in the old gym that I had played basketball in during high school. While we were there, I felt the pull to go into coaching. My concern at the time was how I was going to do so in my wheelchair. 

When we were through filming, I stopped by the principal’s office to get his thoughts on me coaching. His advice was brilliant. He said this, “Many of the coaches you see on tv aren’t able to play anymore.” I’ll never forget that. So I prayed for a sign from God to coach or not. His answer couldn’t have been clear or came more quickly. I was called “THAT” night from a woman I didn’t even know. She was asking me to coach their junior high and high school teams. Wow! Talk about instantaneous. It was so clear. I went the next day and began the process to get a degree to teach and coach. I retired in 2011 from doing so. And I finished coaching privately in 2021. I was blessed to work with 100s of kids during that 27 years. 

Now…most of the time God has not responded so quickly to my prayers. He usually makes me wait. And that can be frustrating. Because, we live in a world where we want things done right now. Right then. No hesitation. It’s very fast paced. But we can’t let his hesitation stop us. No response from him might be his answer. But we still must pray. We must still believe. We must still seek wisdom from God. The other day we talked about pressing on. Moving forward for God. We can’t give up. If we do, that’s a victory for Satan. We must remember that God hears our prayers. He hears our cries. He’s bigger than all of our needs and desires. And his timing will always be perfect. That’s where our faith comes into play. So today, let’s have faith and let’s pray continuously. Let’s talk to God. Letting him know our needs and desires. But let’s realize this. He will answer in his own time and that he knows what’s best for us. Because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

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September 20 Devotion

When I was playing basketball, I fully trusted Coach Armstrong. I know not everyone can say that about their coaches. And I’m sorry that is

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