August 7 Devotion

Our Farmhouse property is an ideal location to host veterans whenever we have local events. I say this because we regularly hear how peaceful and quiet it is. How secluded it is. There is no turmoil. There is no city noise. You hear vehicles go by. But that’s about it. One thing we learned years ago is that our guests are all searching for something very similar. Searching for the same thing. Actually, it’s the same thing that we are all searching for. Peace. We are searching for peace. And that is the peace that comes from Jesus. It surpasses everything. Because it’s lasting. There’s no end to it. It’s eternal. Yes…there is definitely peace at the farmhouse. But it’s temporary.

If we were to ask 100 different people what peace is, I’m certain we would get a medley of responses. And I’m certain geographically, there also would be different answers. And no doubt across the world there is certainly going to be different responses. Imagine what somebody from Ukraine would say right now. For me it’s simple. I am pretty sure it’s not a secret that I really enjoy hunting. My favorite type of hunting is for deer and turkey. Because of the wait. Although I truly enjoy providing for my family, the main thing that I take from hunting is the peace that I find in the blind. Yes I’m talking about the quiet. The tranquility. But more importantly, I’m talking about what Jesus gives me. Because when I’m out there, I’m talking to Jesus.

Jesus wants us all to have peace in our hearts. And we can have it. Even during the “storms” of life. Even when times are hard. Even when the future looks bleak. We can have peace. Jesus wants that for us. And what he provides is permanent. But it’s up to us to ask him into our hearts. It’s up to us to seek him in all that we do. If we do so, he will provide it. Here’s something that I read: “It doesn’t matter how intelligent we are, how decorated our resumes are, how many inventions are credited to our names, or how smart, creative, and wise we are—we don’t know how to create peace.” That is 100% true. We can search for it. We can try to replicate it. And we can find it. But we will never be able to create it. It only comes from our Lord and Savior.

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When I was playing basketball, I fully trusted Coach Armstrong. I know not everyone can say that about their coaches. And I’m sorry that is

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