August 9 Devotion

Have you ever had your “hands” in something long enough that you messed it up? Have you ever been involved with something long enough that you messed it up? How about being in control of something, or the decision maker over something, or the leader of something, long enough that you messed it up? It’s interesting to me how this can happen. Even with the best intentions in mind we can do this. We can mess things up. I know I have. I joke a lot about myself doing so. Especially when I’m talking about the ministry. I learned long ago that the best way for me to be the leader of something, is to find the ways for people to use their talents and then to get out of their way.

Our walk with Christ is very similar to what I’m mentioning here. Let me try to explain what I mean by that. Jesus paved the way for us with his death and resurrection. This is something that we cannot deny. Salvation is a free gift for us if we accept it. This is also something that we cannot deny. But in our lives, we can find ourselves in situations where things have fallen apart. We can find ourselves making choices that are very destructive. We can find ourselves with outside factors trying to crush us. And it’s during those times that we might question God. Wondering where he is. Wondering if he exists. Do you see the point I making now? We can get in the way of having peace in our lives. Especially if we are given long enough to do so. 

Receiving eternal salvation does not mean we’re going to have an easy life. In fact, just the opposite can be said. The Bible tells us that the path is narrow. And what that means is the path is not easy. The world’s way is easy. Making destructive choices is easy. And even with Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are still going to find ourselves worried about things. We’re going to find ourselves in difficult situations. Because we’re human. Our lives are going to continue on. And that means our lives are going to encounter hard times. But if we seek God the entire time, then we will find ourselves feeling peace and calm. We can rest assured that we have eternal salvation waiting for us. Even as flawed as we are, Jesus loves us. His heart breaks for us when we make bad choices. When we mess things up. But just like Peter, he will still be there for us even when we take our eyes off of him. And he will lift us up.

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September 20 Devotion

When I was playing basketball, I fully trusted Coach Armstrong. I know not everyone can say that about their coaches. And I’m sorry that is

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