August 8 Devotion

I’m often called the “history nerd” of the family. Most of the time it’s because of the history tidbits that I share about topics that we talk about. Other times it’s because I share stories from things that I read or I see. It’s a title that I relish. It’s actually endearing. Because my family does appreciate what I share with them. Recently, another story stuck out to me that I want to share with you. Dayton Webber Is a quadruple amputee that’s playing as a pro in the American Cornhole League. That’s correct. He has no hands. And he has no legs. And he is playing professionally. His story is another one that I think you should try to search out online. It’s pretty amazing.

His backstory is what sticks out to me the most. He was diagnosed with streptococcus pneumonia at just 10 months old and given a 3% chance to live. His parents had to make a decision that I could not imagine having to make. In order to stop the bacterial infection from spreading, they had to amputate both of his arms and legs. No doubt, the course of his life would be different than most. But he does not let his condition dictate how he lives. In the story that I saw, there was a quote that stuck out to me because it’s something that I recall feeling years ago: “The world doesn’t wait.” When I returned home from physical therapy years ago, that’s what stuck out to me the most. The world had not waited on me. All of the lives of my friends had moved on. Mine had been put on pause. That was a tough reality for me.

The point of this devotion is that the “world” will pass us by without a second thought. It will not wait on us. It doesn’t have to. It doesn’t need to. It doesn’t want to. Therefore, the world will not provide us peace that we need. It will not provide the hope that we need. And it will not provide the strength that we need. Especially in times of personal struggles or difficulties. What God gives us is beyond any of our comprehension. What God gives us surpasses anything that the world can give us. And there’s only one way for us to receive what God can give us. And that is Jesus. Plain and simple. It all comes from Jesus. With Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you are assured that no matter what earthly scenarios or circumstances that you face, they don’t have any eternal power over you. What is eternal is what we have with God that guarantees our hope of what’s to come. And that my friends…is awesome!

His backstory is what sticks out to me the most. He was diagnosed with streptococcus pneumonia at just 10 months old and given a 3% chance to live. His parents had to make a decision that I could not imagine having to make. In order to stop the bacterial infection from spreading, they had to amputate both of his arms and legs. No doubt, the course of his life would be different than most. But he does not let his condition dictate how he lives. In the story that I saw, there was a quote that stuck out to me because it’s something that I recall feeling years ago: “The world doesn’t wait.” When I returned home from physical therapy years ago, that’s what stuck out to me the most. The world had not waited on me. All of the lives of my friends had moved on. Mine had been put on pause. That was a tough reality for me.

The point of this devotion is that the “world” will pass us by without a second thought. It will not wait on us. It doesn’t have to. It doesn’t need to. It doesn’t want to. Therefore, the world will not provide us peace that we need. It will not provide the hope that we need. And it will not provide the strength that we need. Especially in times of personal struggles or difficulties. What God gives us is beyond any of our comprehension. What God gives us surpasses anything that the world can give us. And there’s only one way for us to receive what God can give us. And that is Jesus. Plain and simple. It all comes from Jesus. With Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you are assured that no matter what earthly scenarios or circumstances that you face, they don’t have any eternal power over you. What is eternal is what we have with God that guarantees our hope of what’s to come. And that my friends…is awesome!

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