August 13 Devotion

Today marks a significant anniversary that my family will never forget. August 13, 2021, I got a phone call that I needed to get to the hospital to say my goodbyes. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it in time. While I was in route, I got the phone call that Bobby was gone. I just sat there. Didn’t know how to react. What to do. Couldn’t believe it happened. 

Ten days earlier is also a day I will never forget. Mom and Bobby were both battling COVID. Juli was there giving us updates daily. The morning update was pretty good. Mom was doing better. And Bobby seemed to be stable. Then around 2 o’clock I got a phone call that I better go see him if I wanted to talk to him before he gets intubated. I was floored. I went to his hospital room window. He saw me and spent around and gave me the victory sign with his fingers. He couldn’t talk because the oxygen mask. But I could see his smile. What happen next was like a scene in a horror movie. Two people walked in wearing hazmat suits. I could tell that they were talking with Bobby. I watched him sign some paperwork. Then they wheeled him off. And that was it. It happened that quickly. That’s the last time I saw Bobby. It’s still hard to even think about today.

We never know what life is going to deal us. We never know what kind of curveballs life is going to throw at us. We never know. One thing that we are promised when we are born is that life is going to end at some time. It’s going to happen. What we do with our lives is up to us. And that includes our decision to accept Christ into our lives. It’s up to us. Unfortunately, some of us never do so. And that is terrible. But the invitation stands open for everyone of us. It’s there. All we have to do is make the choice. I was blessed to be able to lead Bobby’s memorial service. It wasn’t easy. But I’m thankful I was given the opportunity to do so. During my message, I made a point that there’s only one way for us to see him again. And that’s by accepting Christ into our lives. That’s it. That’s the path. That’s the only way. So today, if you haven’t done so, turn towards Jesus. Accept him. Let him take control and lead you. It’s the most important decision you will ever make.

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