August 16 Devotion

What are you dedicated to? What is it that you are devoted to? Sometimes you hear musicians talking about a song being dedicated to a certain person in their lives. Sometimes you hear about athletes dedicating games to a coach or someone else. Maybe you’ve done something similar. Maybe it’s with a piece of art that you’ve painted or something else. We are all dedicated to something I would presume. We might not dedicate some thing that we’ve done to someone else. But I believe we are all dedicated to something in our lives. Nothing wrong with that as long as we have things in perspective. If we have things prioritized. 

The Bible tells us to love God with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind. That we should love God first. So I would suggest that we should all be dedicated to God. How we do that is the question. I think it starts with our mind. Dedicating our mind to God will then lead to the rest of us doing so. Our emotions. Our actions. Things that we do. And I think that dedicating ourselves to God is worshiping God. Showing him that we love him. And what is awesome about that is that he will bless us in return. Because God loves it when we surrender our hearts. When we do that, we are open to learning better how to serve him. We are open to having our thoughts and our attitudes built on serving him. So why wouldn’t he bless us if we dedicate ourselves to him? The answer is pretty clear. 

Something to remember that’s very important is that this is a daily thing. We don’t dedicate just one action to God. We don’t dedicate one thought to him. Dedicating our life to him is daily. Ongoing. Forever. And to do so, we must include him in our daily lives. I often talk to God while I’m driving. I even ask him questions. Sometimes his answers are pretty funny. And I’m sure he laughs at me. Thinking that I must be a knucklehead. To which he is right. So today, let’s focus on dedicating our lives to God. Let’s do this and I promise you…you will fill a peace like never before. You will become intimate with God and he is going to show you “Grace” like never before. He wants to show you these things. And he will. So today let’s make that step towards dedicating everything to him.

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September 20 Devotion

When I was playing basketball, I fully trusted Coach Armstrong. I know not everyone can say that about their coaches. And I’m sorry that is

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September 17 Devotion

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