August 21 Devotion

Something that continues to amaze me is the support that Charlie 22 Outdoors receives. It’s a daily occurrence. People believe in the mission and they want to support the cause. Volunteering at events. Financially contributing. Praying behind the scenes. Doesn’t matter. Belief is belief. Support is support. Serving others is the key. Veterans and civilians alike. We are all on the same path. Working together as the mission states: Showing a hope, love, and personal meaning, that comes from God‘s grace. 

It is so easy for us to get caught up with ourselves. We get so focused on our personal issues, that we lose sight of others. We live in our own little universe. When we do this, it’s easy to get complacent. It’s easy for us to point fingers at other people. To compare ourselves to other people. Jealousy even becomes an issue. Jealous of what others have accomplished. Or what they have. Jealous because we don’t believe we are being recognized like others. Instead of celebrating their successes. Instead of being thankful for what they are doing for others. There’s a meme going around that states: “Be aware of those around you that don’t clap when you win.” And there’s truth in that. And that’s unfortunate.

I’d like for you to take a moment and think about 2000 years ago. Think about Jesus. Try to visualize yourself with him. What it must have been like to witness him serve others the way that he did. To witness the miracles that he performed. The lives that he changed. Even to the very last night. Washing feet. He washed feet! And he did so knowing what was coming. Talk about humbling. And that’s what we are called to do. Humbly serve others. Lift others up. To show God’s grace. So today, let’s make it more about others, and less about ourselves. Let’s make it more about being thankful for the victories that those around us are celebrating. Let’s make it about being thankful that people are being served. Let’s focus on what God would focus on. Let’s get out of our own little universe and work on building others up. Do this, and I promise you that God will bless your efforts. And that…my friends…will be awesome!

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September 20 Devotion

When I was playing basketball, I fully trusted Coach Armstrong. I know not everyone can say that about their coaches. And I’m sorry that is

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