August 22 Devotion 

This is one of those devotions that’s going to step on toes and ruffle some feathers. Because it’s pointed right at certain things. Certain things that a lot of us might find personal. And we should. Because, as Christians, we are failing in these areas. 

First, there’s a meme that some of you may have seen on Facebook. Basically, it is talking about those that have lost loved ones that they are no longer suffering. And that is true for many people. But unfortunately, it’s not true for others. There is one way to heaven. That is through Jesus. It’s up to us to make sure others hear about him. We can’t make anybody accept Christ. But we can let them know who he is and that the path to heaven is through him. Second, a buddy of mine sent me a link to a pastor’s message. About defeating the dragons. The dragons that he is referring to is Christians condoning sin now. Sexual immorality. Selfishness. Hate. Etc. There are so many more. But many Christians are saying that it is ok. It’s acceptable now. It’s almost as if the thoughts are that as long as you are a good person, sin is fine. Oh, how wrong that is.

Here’s what I know. Here’s what I believe. Here’s what the word tells us. When we accept Jesus into our lives, we are no longer slaves to sin. We are now God’s servants. There’s gonna be a time that every knee is going to bow down. There’s gonna be a time that every tongue is going to confess. And I’m pretty sure that the word “every” quite literally means every. So that means all of us. Being in God’s kingdom, means that we are to let him rule our life. And that we should work to show others the same thing. Being part of the kingdom means that we are separated from worldly things. Or at least that we should be. We should have our mind set on things that come from Christ. We should always acknowledge who our Lord and Savior is. And that means, we should tell others who he is. And that means that we should not condone sin. It’s all around us. And we sin as well. But saying that it is fine is where we cross the line. So today, let’s work on telling others about Jesus. Let’s work on not condoning sin.

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