August 23 Devotion

Recently, we’ve talked a lot about things that we deal with. Anxiety. Issues with family and friends. Personal struggles. Failing others. And so on. And these are all very real. Just as our veterans deal with PTSD and other issues. All very real things. And just as they are all very real, they happen to us because we are all human. And we live in a human world. And it all began with what took place in the Garden of Eden. We must face what we face because of what happened back then.

On the other side of the coin is something that we can celebrate. It’s something that we should honor. Something that we should cherish. Something that we should respect and do what we can to teach others about it. And that something is this: Even though we go through what we go through, we have the one thing that can get us through everything. And that is the fact that Jesus Christ paved the way for us. His sacrifice overcomes everything that we deal with. Every sin that we commit. His sacrifice gives us the tools. It’s redemption. It’s power. It’s strength. And greatest of all, it’s love. 

Dying on the cross is what it took for us to be redeemed. That’s what Jesus did for us. Now there is action that I believe we must take. Things that we must do. To begin with, we must accept Jesus. If we do this, we then live in Jesus. We must let him take control. This gives us the ability to face what we face daily. Also, we must tell others about Jesus. We must share this gift. We must talk about the sacrifice. Talk about the path. Talk about redemption. Talk about salvation. As we do these things, let’s be aware of the fact that the world is going to resist. As stated, the world is human. And humans want what humans want. But let’s not let that stop us from sharing Jesus with others. And if you don’t know Jesus, make today of the day that you get to know him. Make today the day you accept him and let him take control.

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