August 25 Devotion

It never stops to amaze me how after an event is over, Satan does all that he can to prevent us from preparing for the next. It never stops to amaze me how when we’re preparing for an event, Satan does all he can to keep it from happening. Sometimes he uses the tactic of things not going just as you plan. Sometimes he uses other people against you. Using their discouragement or frustration with you l…against you. Other times he uses illnesses of those you are close to. He even stoops so low that he tries to even hurt those you care about. 

Now, what is even MORE amazing to me, is how God completely destroys Satan‘s tactics. Because no matter what it is he’s doing, God steps up even bigger. Here’s an example. I made a simple mistake. I advertised an opportunity to raise money for the ministry. I had won some tickets on the radio to a local rock event. One of my favorite bands is playing. Skillet. They are a Christian rock band. Anyways, after realizing that they are taking the stage later than I wanted to go watch, I decided to sell them. But, I didn’t realize how I put it out there was going to look. Like the ministry is supporting something that it shouldn’t. My fault. But unintentional. 

Then one of our supporters contacted me. He’s a Veteran. Someone I have grown close to. Letting me know the concern that others were expressing to him. God intervened. Which is awesome. It was a simple fix. Easy to do. And helped us avoid facing scrutiny. So nothing really terrible happened. But the optics could have been hard to deal with. I’m so thankful to be surrounded by those that care about what we are doing. They believe in the cause. Talk about a blessing. Incredible. Keeping the mission the focus. And helping me keep focused on the mission. So let’s remember that. Let’s remember that no matter what it is that Satan tries to do, he fails. Every time. If we let God take control. 

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September 20 Devotion

When I was playing basketball, I fully trusted Coach Armstrong. I know not everyone can say that about their coaches. And I’m sorry that is

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