September 4 Devotion

There are times in this life that we are going to be rejoicing because we are on the top of the mountain. Times where things were going very well. Life is “good” during those moments. But we must realize that when we are on top of the mountain there’s only one direction you can go. And that is down. Into the valley. And sometimes the valley is very deep. Very dark. The valley can be very difficult to navigate. God does not promise that we will always be on top of the mountain. I don’t remember ever reading in the Bible that life would be easy. But God does promise to help us while we are in the valley. 

There’s an amazing example for us to learn from in the Bible. Joseph. We read how his own brothers sold him into slavery. Their father favored Joseph. And they despised him for that. Joseph made the mistake of telling his brothers about a dream that he had. In the dream he would rule over his brothers one day. So they took matters into their own hands and sold him. Talking about being in a valley! Joseph was there. I couldn’t imagine. 

Now, here is something that is amazing. Joseph remain faithful and steadfast while he was in slavery. And God saw him through. Joseph was ultimately released and became Pharaoh’s right hand man. Which is exactly what his brothers tried to prevent from happening. They learned of his ascension to power after they found themselves in Egypt. The famine had ravaged the land. And they were trying to collect food when he revealed himself to them. They were terrified! Which they should’ve been. But instead of using his power to crush them, he forgave them. Talk about showing grace! Truly an example demonstrating how God can turn your trial into your testimony. God can turn your valley into a triumph. Amazing! Know that God loves you. He always has. He always will. 

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