September 24 Devotion

With it being archery season, here is a great question: “Where is your anchor point?” Those of you that archery hunt, know exactly what this is. It’s vital to shooting your arrow straight. Your anchor point is critical to be consistent and accurate. Your anchor point holds you steady. You’re anchor point makes you “solid” in your stance. I bet by now, you probably have a good idea of where I’m going with this. 

In life, we also have anchor points. And we get to decide what they are. That is called free will. And that is one of the most amazing gifts that God has given us. The ability to choose. Where we place our anchor point can be a vital determining factor on which path we take. Because it’s part of where we aim our lives. The direction that we’re going to go. Here’s something interesting about anchor points. Years ago, archers defined the distance the arrow missed its mark as sin. It didn’t matter if it was just barely off the mark or completely off target. It was still sin. So they had a whole different meeting for anchor points. Today, in our spiritual life, we need to have Jesus as our anchor point. And here’s why…Satan will put things in our path to cause us to miss our mark. In this case, missing our mark is sin. And sin can keep us away from God. 

One of Satan‘s key tactics against us is fear. He uses our fears against us. Because if we begin to fear, then we might begin to doubt that God exists. And if we do that, there are two sins that we have committed. Being fearful. And doubting. These are human. And they are going to happen. But we can’t let them dictate how we view our Lord and Savior. We can’t let them dictate our relationship with our Lord and Savior. If he is our anchor point, they cannot win us over. Men that have had children understand what being a father means. Our children look at us for security. Our children look at us for strength. They “need” us to be their anchor points. Just as we need God to be ours. He wants us to look to him for security. He wants us to look to him for strength. Do you see the parallels? So today, just as archers practice securing their shots, let’s practice securing our lives by placing God first and foremost. Let’s practice strengthening our lives by placing God first and foremost. If we make sure God is our anchor point, then that’s exactly what will happen.

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