September 29 Devotion

One of the things that brings me great joy is when my phone rings and I see that it’s one of my children’s names on caller ID. Or even when one of the text messages that comes through is from one of them. I love when I get to speak with them. Sometimes they’re calling to just let me know how their day is going. And there are times they call with questions. I even get the opportunity to give them advice. It’s really great to hear their voices. Or to read their words in text. Point I am making here is that I love hearing from them. Just as our father in heaven loves to hear from us.

Do you take time to talk to God our father? Be honest. How often do you do so? Some people make time in the mornings before their day starts. Others that I know do it in the evening time before they go to bed. What a great way to finish the day! Now ask yourself, how is it that you talk to God? What do you do? Do you bow your head and go to your knees? Or do you do you like I do, and talk to him while you’re driving? However it is that you have these conversations, God loves them. He loves hearing from you. Prayer is key to our relationship with our Lord and Savior. Because it is how we communicate with him. So it is something that we should cherish and celebrate at the same time. And trust me, it’s something that God cherishes as well. It might be hard to think of it that way. But it’s true. Our father in heaven loves to hear from us.

The Bible tells us to give all of our worries and cares to God. That’s because God cares about us. So if there are times that are difficult, go to God. Just as children go to their fathers on earth. We can do the same thing with our heavenly father. He wants to help us through those moments. And let’s remember this as well, as much as we know that God is there for us in our moments of need, he is also there for us in our moments of success. What great opportunities those present for us to praise him. To thank him. To love him and celebrate him. So let’s not limit our conversations with God to asking for help. Talk to him when you have something that brings joy. He loves that too. Because he loves you. Always has. Always will.

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