September 30 Devotion

Sin is sin. No matter how you view it, sin is sin. No matter how you want to view it, sin is sin. And no matter how our friends view it, or want to view it, sin is sin. Why is it sin? Because Jesus says so. That’s why. Jesus views it as sin. But the good news is, we can strive and work on being free of sin. And we will be free of it, when we are in heaven. What a reward that will be.

In the Bible, we read of Zacchaeus. He tries to do things without being seen. Sinning in the dark. Can you relate? Are you doing things that you don’t want others to see because they are wrong? Looking at things on your phone? Or on TV? Or doing things with someone you shouldn’t be? Or maybe you’re justifying what you’re doing because you think what others are doing is worse. Sometimes we try to make the Bible fit what we desire. Instead, we should be desiring to make our lives fit what’s in the Bible. 

If this is the struggle that you have, ask for strength and wisdom on how to overcome these things. The love and grace that comes from God is beyond our comprehension. He can see you through. He will see you through if you let him. You’re never going to be sin free. None of us will be. But God will give you the tools to battle your sin. Just like Zacchaeus, we can be transformed. We can face our sins and we can push them behind us. And we can help others at the same time to be transformed. Which is God‘s plan for us. To take our broken lives and use them in a way to bring him glory by showing others the light that only comes from knowing him. God does this because he loves you. Always has. Always will.

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October 5 Devotion

We had a baptism at our latest event: Operation Roaring River. We have another one happening this coming Monday. Read that again. Two lives being

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