October 4 Devotion

I grew up playing sports. Football, baseball, basketball, track, etc. I even played soccer when we lived in Germany. After I graduated college, I coached basketball through the school system and privately for 20+ years. So pretty much my entire life, I have been part of different sports teams. But it wasn’t until my young adulthood that I truly learned about the only team that really matters. God‘s team. Don’t get me wrong, I learned a lot about life playing sports. I thought life lessons through sports. And I still love watching sports. So I am not disparaging those at all. But when we get down to it, God‘s team is really what’s important.

When we think of it that way, we realize there are two teams competing against each other. God’s. And Satan’s. They’re not just competing. They are in a full-fledged war. And I have played on both of them. Not proud of it. But I was on Satan’s team for quite a while. I’m not really sure I knew that I was, until I became part of God‘s team. That’s pretty crazy. But it’s the truth. 

And there’s another truth that I am 100% certain about. The truth that we find in the Bible. The truth that we feel through the Holy Spirit. The truth that comes from God‘s grace. The truth that I’m talking about is that Jesus loves you. He loves me. He even loves our enemies. His love is never ending. It’s all encompassing. He loved us before we were created. He loves us now. And he will always love us. It is through his love that we will receive eternity of peace in heaven. And that’s not crazy. That’s just the truth. He loves you. Always has. Always will.

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November 12 Devotion

This coming Saturday is the beginning of firearms deer season in Missouri. This is also the beginning weekend of our Operation Whitetail Events. I, along

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Veterans Day Devotion

Over the years, members of the military have served our country. That means they have served us. Many of them have willingly laid down their

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November 10 Devotion

Recently, I was talking to one of our veterans about what they saw during combat. Believe me, it wasn’t pretty. I cannot imagine having gone

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November 9 Devotion

This past Tuesday was the Presidential election. Those of you that follow what we write, saw where we said that we were glad it’s over.

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November 7 Devotion

Sometimes we find ourselves holding on to things that we can’t seem to let go of. Sometimes we have a guilt of some thing that

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