October 24 Devotion

We have all heard the saying, God is for us. Chances are, you have said that at one point or another. Or someone you know has said it. Sometimes we convince ourselves that if we say it, we believe it. But do we really? Are we living like we believe it? Are we serving like we believe it? It’s easy for us to let life’s distractions block us from believing this all the time. 

Truth is…God is for us. God loves us. God believes in us. Song lyrics tell us: “If God is for us, then who can ever stand against us.” Remembering this daily is the key. Believe me, I am totally aware that can be easier said than done. But there are ways to help us remember. Ways for us to walk with him daily. For example, reading the Bible daily gives us the words we need. Fellowship with people who hold us accountable out of love. What we listen to, watch, read, etc. All tools to help us build the belief that God is for us.

When we truly believe that God is for us, we know there is hope. Although we live in a world of fear, we have the strength to get through the fear. We know that God is our foundation. He is our love. Each day, strive to believe that God is for us, including you. And that means that nothing will stand against you. Nothing! God has you. Always has. Always will.

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October 27 Devotion

A few years ago at church during the message, our pastor said that we had gotten comfortable as Christians. That we were comfortable in our

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October 26 Devotion

As humans we possess amazing strength. Incredible strength. Sometimes that strength seems to be beyond anything reasonable. Powerlifters setting records. MLB players hitting tremendous home

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October 25 Devotion

Recently, many of those that we know have lost loved ones. Moments like these are hard to learn about. Especially, when it involves someone that

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October 23 Devotion

God‘s plans for us are good. Even in this world of uncertainty, God‘s plans for us are good. Sometimes people question: If God’s plans are

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