October 25 Devotion

Recently, many of those that we know have lost loved ones. Moments like these are hard to learn about. Especially, when it involves someone that we are really close to. But…as hard as it is to go through something like this, it’s comforting and reassuring to know that we will see them again. We will see them again, because Jesus was their Lord and Savior. These tragedies have lead to some discussions on wondering where people that don’t know Jesus place their hope. Where is it that they place their hope? As we continue to read together, there’s a reoccurring theme in the Bible that we see over and over. There’s one truth that we all need to realize and believe in wholeheartedly. That reoccurring theme and truth is that we have one real hope. And that is Jesus. 

I have made that trip around the sun almost 54 times now. Unfortunately, I have trusted myself and placed my hope in my own workings far too often. We live in a world where a man’s value is placed on his wallet and his conquests. His successes and his failures determine his worth. What he achieves determines how high on the “wall of fame” he gets placed. There’s nothing wrong with trusting ourselves, working to make a good living, and to be successful in the eyes of others. The problem is when we allow those to be our driving force. THE DRIVING FORCE. 

God wants us to live well. He wants us to be successful. He wants us to motivate others. But he wants us to do that with him being the driving force. THE DRIVING FORCE. Our hope is to be in him. Our guidance should come from him. Our achievements should be through him. When we prioritize our lives like that, we live for his glory. And all the while showing others that God should be first in all that we do. He should be first in our personal lives and our public lives. He should be where we place our hope. He should be THE place where we place our hope. He should be first because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

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October 27 Devotion

A few years ago at church during the message, our pastor said that we had gotten comfortable as Christians. That we were comfortable in our

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October 26 Devotion

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October 25 Devotion

Recently, many of those that we know have lost loved ones. Moments like these are hard to learn about. Especially, when it involves someone that

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October 23 Devotion

God‘s plans for us are good. Even in this world of uncertainty, God‘s plans for us are good. Sometimes people question: If God’s plans are

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