October 26 Devotion

As humans we possess amazing strength. Incredible strength. Sometimes that strength seems to be beyond anything reasonable. Powerlifters setting records. MLB players hitting tremendous home runs. We’ve all heard stories of people lifting cars off of others. Incredible physical strength. But I’d like to suggest, as amazing as physical strength can be, our mental, emotional, and spiritual strengths are more important. And as important as they are, they are limited. They can only carry us so far. 

With knowing that, we begin to realize that our true strength comes from the hope and grace that only God can give. The Bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. That does not mean that we can do all things. What that is telling us is that no matter what we are going through, we can get through it with Christ in our lives. He will be with us as we “face” what we are facing. The Bible also tells us that his grace is all that we need. That means that his grace will give us the strength to “face” what we are going through.

Don’t let this be discouraging. It’s incredible to know that God uses us in our weakest moments to show everyone his glory. He uses us as examples. As amazing as the feats of strength are that I mentioned a minute ago, I am more blown away by watching people handle deadly diseases, gut-wrenching heartache, and other situations that do not end the way they hoped for. Watching them continue to praise and worship. Watching them turn towards and show the hope that comes through the grace they received. And that is the strength that we’re talking about. The strength that we are given through Christ. Amazing! But you need to remember, you need to invite him in. You need to turn to him. Seek him. When you do so, he will be there for you.

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October 27 Devotion

A few years ago at church during the message, our pastor said that we had gotten comfortable as Christians. That we were comfortable in our

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October 26 Devotion

As humans we possess amazing strength. Incredible strength. Sometimes that strength seems to be beyond anything reasonable. Powerlifters setting records. MLB players hitting tremendous home

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October 25 Devotion

Recently, many of those that we know have lost loved ones. Moments like these are hard to learn about. Especially, when it involves someone that

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October 23 Devotion

God‘s plans for us are good. Even in this world of uncertainty, God‘s plans for us are good. Sometimes people question: If God’s plans are

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