October 28 Devotion

How many times have you said or done something that as soon as you did you knew you had messed up? Are you ever frustrated with yourself? Frustrated that you did something that wasn’t honoring God? Was it hard to forgive yourself? These are all legitimate questions. I know from experience. I mess up daily. We all do. Thank goodness we have a forgiving God.

God‘s grace reaches farther than we will ever be able to comprehend. It extends and covers beyond all of our actions. Nothing we can do will surpass it. Nothing we can do to earn it. Nothing! That doesn’t mean we have a free ticket to sin. We can’t just go do what we want to do. It just means that there’s nothing that we can do that God‘s love can’t overcome. Think about Saul. Even he was forgiven when he repented. Then he went on to be a warrior for Jesus.

Make no mistake, there are two forces battling daily for our lives. There are two teams. Jesus’s team and Satan‘s team. I have played on both. Not proud of it. But I have. But I can say is this, God’s grace and forgiveness has covered me. And it can cover you. And what’s more amazing are the testimonies that we can have. Others can see this grace. They can see God‘s love. They can see our transformations. And how awesome is that! Others can see the hope from Jesus through us. And then they can be covered with grace and forgiveness. And then others can see it through them. And that’s what it’s all about. Don’t let Satan trick you into thinking you are not forgiven. Don’t let him trick you into thinking God’s grace isn’t for you. Pray that prayer. Receive that grace. And show others the hope that you have through Christ.

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October 27 Devotion

A few years ago at church during the message, our pastor said that we had gotten comfortable as Christians. That we were comfortable in our

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October 26 Devotion

As humans we possess amazing strength. Incredible strength. Sometimes that strength seems to be beyond anything reasonable. Powerlifters setting records. MLB players hitting tremendous home

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October 25 Devotion

Recently, many of those that we know have lost loved ones. Moments like these are hard to learn about. Especially, when it involves someone that

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October 23 Devotion

God‘s plans for us are good. Even in this world of uncertainty, God‘s plans for us are good. Sometimes people question: If God’s plans are

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