November 10 Devotion

Recently, I was talking to one of our veterans about what they saw during combat. Believe me, it wasn’t pretty. I cannot imagine having gone through something like that. Hearing stories like this really emphasizes that what we do is so very important. Many of us, if not all of us, have seen or done things that beat us down emotionally and spiritually. Things that we can’t seem to let go of. Things that can take us to dark places. Things that lead us to points of anger. Even to points of rage. Or maybe to points of extreme anxiety or depression. We get caught in the downward spiral and we find ourselves in places we cannot handle, and then we react or respond in ways that are not rational. 

Satan is good at using this tactic against us. But as good at this as he may be, our Lord and Savior is even better at what he does. He has this covered. He has already defeated our enemy. He has already taken our times of emotional turmoil and cast them aside. He has beaten Satan back. He did that for us. He is beating him back now. And he will continue to do so. 

But why? Why does God allow these times in our lives? I believe he allows these moments so we can turn to him. We can pray to him. We can ask for his help. And when we do, we get to witness the awesome power and glory that only his grace provides. His love for us is beyond all reasoning. And these are moments we can learn from and build our faith stronger on. Then just think of the testimonies we will have to share with others. We will be able to witness to them because we’ve been through it. Oh isn’t that incredible! God’s plans are beautiful. And going through tough times are part of his plans. And the reward of eternity is awaiting us who trust in Jesus. Because God loves us. Always has. Always will.

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December 3 Devotion

Our thoughts directly affect how we live. So it is important for us to know how to take control of our thoughts. Because like dominoes

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November 30 Devotion

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt like there was no hope? There was no chance of things turning better? No

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November 29 Devotion

Yesterday, we celebrated Thanksgiving. I know families that will be celebrating today, tomorrow, and Sunday as well. That includes our family. We decided years ago

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