Veterans Day Devotion

Over the years, members of the military have served our country. That means they have served us. Many of them have willingly laid down their lives to protect and defend, in wartime and peace, the Constitution of the United States of America and its freedoms. We can attend a church of our choosing. We can own a Bible. We have the freedom of speech. The freedom of assembly. The freedom of the press. We have the Second Amendment. We have these freedoms, rights, and more, all defended and protected by the members of the military.

Today, November 11, is Veterans Day. Today we celebrate all who have served. Today we honor and celebrate them. Today let’s take time to pause, reflect, and pray for our veterans and their families. Let’s thank God for all of them. Let’s ask God to put his cloak around them and protect them. 

Yesterday, I was blessed and humbled to get to speak to the congregation at our church. I emphasized three points that I want to share with you. First, because of Jesus, our hearts are made clean. His sacrifice did that for us. Second, thank you is not enough. Saying thank you is awesome. Don’t get me wrong. But we need to do more than that. Third, our responsibilities have increased. We are called to serve. The Bible tells us that. And I believe that the sacrifice on the cross for us, makes it a requirement for us to serve. So today, find a way to serve. Look for them. God will show you. And then when you find it, do it. Let me close with this on this most very important day: If you are a veteran, know that we love you. We thank you. We honor you and value you. Today we want you to know how much we appreciate you. And we are here for you. We love you. And God loves you.

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