November 13 Devotion

Charlie 22 Outdoors has had quite the last couple weeks. We were in Branson all week at Veterans Village. Setting up there on November 4. Tearing down on November 10. Several veterans/volunteers helped set up and man the booth. They did such an amazing job. Hundreds of Veterans came by to visit. Veterans Day was Monday. We were involved with a school assembly, a parade, and a lunch. Our Operation Whitetail events begin this weekend. All told, we will host eight veterans/active duty personnel. They are coming from all over the Midwest. And we have one flying in from California. We are so blessed to be able to do what we do.

What does all of us have to do with the devotion? It’s really pretty simple. We can come up with one word. Serving! The ministry was built on the motto: “Serving those who have already served.” We have spent the last few weeks tirelessly preparing the farmhouse for the weekend. Many, many, many late nights. I told Barbara that I was beginning to despise the farmhouse because that’s all we are doing. Is working on it. I wasn’t serious. Just ready for it to be done. Because, we know that what is going to take place out there is going to be awesome. We’re going to be able to serve God by serving others. And that’s exactly what the last few weeks have been about. Serving. That’s it. Serving other people. Isn’t that what we are called to do? Didn’t Jesus say that we are to go and make disciples? I believe so. We are called to go out into the world and tell others about Jesus. To show his grace. To show his love. We are called to lift others up and serve them. Put them above ourselves. 

So today’s challenge is one that we have put out there several times. We do so, because it’s important. We do so, because Jesus wants us to do what the challenge calls for us to do. Today’s challenge is for us to find ways to serve others. So today, look for opportunities. Find ways to serve others. Keep an open mind, because it might take some creativity on your part. As you do so, remember this very important component to the whole process. Make sure you are serving to serve others through Christ. Keep that in your heart first. Don’t look to benefit personally. Don’t get caught in the trap of serving just to be serving. Make sure to keep your eyes on why you are serving. Keep Jesus the focus in what you do. And I promise you this, he will bless your efforts. And that means people will see his grace. They will see his love. And that is awesome.

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