January 5 Devotion

Here’s something for us to think about and ponder today. What are you faithful to? Your spouse? Your kids? Your job? Your country? What about your favorite sports team? And what are you not faithful to? Your health? Your finances? Other things? As you think about these questions, you might realize what exactly you are prioritizing in your life. 

Something else to think about is this, no matter how faithful or not you are, God is always faithful. He will remain faithful. No question. We can’t debate it. Because there is no debate. God will remain faithful because his faithfulness comes from who he is. It has nothing to do with who we are or what we do. His faithfulness is never in question. 

When you take God into your heart, when you begin to trust him and let him guide you, everything changes. Your life changes. Your eternity changes. These things change because of his faithfulness. His love, grace, wisdom, and hope will remain faithful. You can count on these. You can rely on these. You can rest assured that he has his arms of faithful love around you. You can rest assured knowing that he will not let you go. You can rest assured knowing that he can be trusted even when you are not. And you can rest assured that he will be faithful even when you are not. Because he loves us. He always has. He always will.

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January 16 Devotion

Retired Army Chaplain Foster is one of our board members. We met several years ago and have maintained contact ever since. He and his wife

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January 15 Devotion

What is it you’re holding onto that causes anxiety? What is it that you’re getting ready to face that’s causing anxiety? Bills to pay? Medical

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January 13 Devotion

Ever catch yourself getting upset about something that really is minor in the scheme of things? Sure you have. We all do. Or at least

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