January 7 Devotion 

Here is something that I recently read: “We often spend hours each day on our computers or cell phones. We encourage each other via Facebook and Instagram; send hearts and hugs; etc. But what we may not realize is that this isn’t necessarily the way Jesus has shown His love!” This is interesting to me. There’s nothing wrong with communication this way. I often do so. But we should work to make sure that we are not only serving others through typing or texting. Let me try to explain. 

This reminds me of the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.“ The Bible tells us, to not just love with words or speech. But with actions and with truth. Jesus is the ultimate example of this. Leaving his throne to join us on earth. And then to suffer a tremendously painful death. Teaching us how to love with action. I’m not saying we have to die for others to show love. But we can do different tasks for them that show it. Buying groceries. Mowing the grass. Visiting in hospitals. I’m sure you can find other ways. Especially since our words can be confused. Sometimes people don’t understand exactly what we’re trying to say. Sometimes we’re not being very clear. I had that happen this week.

So today let’s show our love through deeds. Not just typing. Not simply by liking somebody’s post. Let’s turn our words in actions. Let’s make sure our actions show true love. Instead of typing a reply, maybe let’s go see the people that we are commenting on their posts. Even if simply to just say hello. Let’s help someone else who is in need. Maybe buy somebody lunch. Bring the trashcan back up to the house. Shoveling sidewalks. Etc. I think you get the point I’m trying to make here. Let’s be the light that others can’t seem to find. Let’s be the encouragement someone needs to see or hear. Let’s remember that sacrifice made for us some 2000 years ago. And let’s let that motivate us. Because we already know-Actions speak louder than words.

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