January 8 Devotion 

This past Saturday, we were able to go watch our grandson play his first basketball games. It’s fun watching the little guys try to shoot the ball. On the way back, we saw some bald eagles in the area. Amazing. This is the month for the bald eagle watching in Stella, Missouri. I don’t know about you, but I love watching those birds. Especially in flight. They seem to be just soaring above us. Almost as if they’re enjoying it. They probably are. Just floating in the wind. Hundreds, if not thousands of feet above the ground. It’s kind of cool how my emotions get excited when I get to see them.

Something else I enjoy is being in the deer blind as the world wakes up. I also enjoy being out there in the evening as well. Watching the world go to sleep. It’s hard to beat being in the creation. Taking it all in. When that first bird chirps in the morning, it seems like the rest of the wild life begin to arise. Almost like clockwork. God did an amazing job creating these animals for us to enjoy. And it’s true, the creation is for us to enjoy. And I believe that we must respect it as well. But it’s there for us to enjoy. And the Bible tells us that God loves us more than he does the wildlife. So we know he’ll provide. 

If you look at things this way, then we realize that God will give us all that we need. He will provide for us. What he provides may not come the way you want it to. Or the way you hope. It might come a little pieces. Or maybe all at once. It may be obvious. Or it might take some thinking on your part. And it may not come when you want it to. Or when you wish it would. But his timing is perfect. Remember he knows your desires and your needs. He knows what you long for and what you require. Keep him in your heart. Keep him as your focus. And he will give you everything he has for you. Because he loves you. Always has. Always will.

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