January 15 Devotion

What is it you’re holding onto that causes anxiety? What is it that you’re getting ready to face that’s causing anxiety? Bills to pay? Medical issues? Health issues? Issues with family and friends? The list can go on, and on, and on. Are you looking for a calm? How about a peace? How about a hope? Is your heart weighed down? Are you in a constant state of worry? Well you are not alone. Many of us are.

The good news is you are also not alone in having a Lord and Savior that loves you. You are one of God’s children. And he has you in his hands. In Philippians, the Bible tells us to “rejoice” in the Lord. And if you continue reading, it says “always” at the end of that command. Yes you read that right. Command. Rejoicing is a command given to us. And “always” has no end. There is no category. I read that as meaning rejoice in everything.

Now I know this is hard to do sometimes. How can we rejoice when we are losing a loved one? How can we rejoice when we lose a job? How can we rejoice when things just don’t go our way? The answer is simple: Recognize we have a sovereign God. Recognize that he is on the throne, and he is in control. Not you. Not me. Not anyone. God is in control. The things we are facing might not go away. But recognizing that we have a sovereign God, calms your fears. Your anxiety decreases. Your worry decreases. And then you can see where you can rejoice. Ever hear the saying, “Let go. Let God.” Maybe today is the time to let go. Maybe today is the time to let God take control.

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