January 17 Devotion

We cannot control the trials of life, but we can control our responses. Often times, the trials we face end in tragedies that are unimaginable. But we can still control our responses. Sometimes the trials end in triumphs that we didn’t see coming. And we can still control our responses. Point is, no matter what it is we face or we go through, we can control how we respond to trials. Not easy sometimes. But doable. 

COVID brought a new trial unlike any we had ever seen. It hit the world with a force that we couldn’t believe. Still can’t. We are still feeling the effects of the virus. Think about how life has changed. How quickly it happened. Think about the tragedies that came out of it. Think about the successes as well. And think about your response. Think about how you controlled, or didn’t control, how you reacted to it. None of us were prepared for the emotional, physical, or financial consequences. We’d never seen or experienced that level of chaos. 

In the Bible, James, the brother of Jesus, tells us how to handle trials like these. He tells us to consider them pure joy. He tells us to do so because times of trial test our faith. But more importantly, can develop perseverance. The past few years have been hard. No doubt. But we have learned a few lessons. Let me provide three lessons that I think are important. We must work to guide our emotions. Not let them guide us. Striving to find joy in all situations. We must work towards a destination. A goal. And realize that we develop endurance working towards that goal. We should work to gain wisdom. Godly wisdom. Wisdom that will see us through the trials that are coming. Because they are going to come. If we do these things, we will mature and grow. People will see us and want to know how it is we are getting through. And we can tell them it is God. It’s our faith. Think of that witness! Very powerful! Don’t forget, God has prepared you for what’s ahead. And he will be here for you during those times. Because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

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