January 20 Devotion

Today is Inauguration Day. Donald Trump is resuming the role as President of the United States of America. This country has been able to transfer power peacefully for over 200 years. Pretty amazing. Historically, many countries have transferred power through wars. Assassinations. Invasions. Obviously, those are not peaceful examples. But, as peaceful as this day is supposed to be, there’s so much hate and vile being spread around. Just look at social media and you will see it. I still find it interesting how people start to hate one another because of politics. Childhood friends can no longer be friends because of it. Families divided. Disagreeing doesn’t seem to be an option anymore. So unfortunate.

For this devotion, I want to turn the topic to something uplifting. Encouraging. No matter who you voted for in the election, there is one constant that will never waiver. No matter which side of the aisle you choose to sit on, there is one constant that will never waiver. No matter how you view politics, there is one constant that will never waiver. The “constant” then I am referring to you is obvious. It is Jesus. Plain and simple. He will never waiver. Never! 

Jesus will not waffle from left to right. Or right to left. Jesus will not give in to political pressure. He will not sway because someone does not agree with him. The point I’m making is this: No matter who is the President of the United States, Jesus is still on the throne. He still reigns. Past. Present. And future. And this is something to rejoice. Something we should agree on. Celebrate. This is something we should put our hope in. So here is my prayer for today. Here is what I want to see happen in our country. Let’s all start to pray for our leadership. Let’s all pray instead of argue back-and-forth over policies. Pray for those on Capitol Hill. Pray that their eyes can turn towards Jesus. If we can do this, then I believe we will truly see a change in our country that we are all hoping for. We will see a revival that we are all hoping for. And let’s never forget this, Jesus will always be there for us. He always has been. He always will be. 

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January 20 Devotion

Today is Inauguration Day. Donald Trump is resuming the role as President of the United States of America. This country has been able to transfer

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January 17 Devotion

We cannot control the trials of life, but we can control our responses. Often times, the trials we face end in tragedies that are unimaginable.

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January 16 Devotion

Retired Army Chaplain Foster is one of our board members. We met several years ago and have maintained contact ever since. He and his wife

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January 15 Devotion

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