January 22 devotional 

Here is an interesting question. Something to really think about. The question is this…”Would you like to experience God?” I imagine that most of us probably have. And I also imagine that some people really don’t care. And that is so unfortunate. Not sure why anyone would not want to experience God. But there are people out there that don’t. They have no desire to. But I do think one of the main reasons why is because they have never experienced God. And I bet there are several reasons why that’s the case.

Now, this part might step on toes. And I don’t apologize for doing so. But I’m going to suggest that many people have no desire to experience God because they have encountered “religious” people at some point in their life. I put that word in quotes for a reason. Because there are people out there that do not represent what God stands for. Even though they proclaim to do so. They say one thing, and they do another. They act one way in public, and they act another in private. And that is why I say that some people have been turned off to wanting to experience God. I say it is because they have come across people that behave the way I mentioned. Sound familiar?

Let’s finish with something that’s more uplifting. God really loves you. God really loves me. God really loves everyone. And everyone means…Everyone! So that means God loves everyone that you know. Know of. Hear about. Etc. God loves everyone. And that means that God wants to have a relationship with you. God wants you to experience him. That’s part of being part of the creation. He is waiting for us to turn to him. And I fully believe and trust this: Once we experience God, we’re going to want to experience him more, and more, and more. Then that will dictate how we act in our daily lives. And then other people should be able to see that in us. Which should lead them to want to experience God, and not be turned off by religious people.

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January 22 devotional 

Here is an interesting question. Something to really think about. The question is this…”Would you like to experience God?” I imagine that most of us

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January 20 Devotion

Today is Inauguration Day. Donald Trump is resuming the role as President of the United States of America. This country has been able to transfer

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January 17 Devotion

We cannot control the trials of life, but we can control our responses. Often times, the trials we face end in tragedies that are unimaginable.

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January 16 Devotion

Retired Army Chaplain Foster is one of our board members. We met several years ago and have maintained contact ever since. He and his wife

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