February 2 Devotion

If we were to ask what is wrong with the world today, I bet there would be a pretty common theme to answers people give. Obvious answers would include corruption, greed, war, natural disasters, etc. COVID would make the list. Some people would mention politics. And others would possibly say in the Middle East. Although I do agree these are all issues, I think that the main problem in the world today is sin. 

Now let’s ask a tough question. And let’s analyze our hearts. Be honest with yourself. Are there sins that you treat as if they are not anything to be too concerned about? Things that you justify because you want to do them? But you realize and know that they are wrong? If the answer is yes, maybe it’s time to work on pushing them aside. Maybe it’s time to get them out of your life. We may view them as simple and small. We may view them as not being anything to be concerned about. But that is a slippery slope. Very dangerous. Let me explain why.

Sin can break up our relationship with God. Sin keeps our hearts unclean. We can get stuck in thinking that it’s ok, and that can lead to thinking other sins are ok too. Then the next thing we know…we have blurred everything together. Possibly to the point that we can’t determine what’s right and wrong anymore. And that is where the danger lies. Wrong has become right. Right has become wrong. Evil has become good. Good has become evil. And we begin believing it. Here’s the good news though, with Jesus we can be right with God. We have the tool to fight sin. We have the tool to clean our hearts. We have the weapon to defeat Satan. Sin is not going away. We are all sinners. But that doesn’t make it right. More importantly though, Jesus is not going away either. He will always be here. Let’s remember that he died for us. He paved the way. Always willing to help us fight back our sinful natures. Because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

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