February 5 Devotion

Today’s reading might step on somebody’s toes. Believe me when I say, “I hope it does.” Because, I know I’m stepping on mine as I write it. And sometimes the truth hurts. We might not like that or want to hear that. But if we grow stronger….so be it. Let the truth hurt. Now that the warning is out of the way, let’s begin. Remember who Jesus died with? Remember who else were on crosses? Yep. He was in between two thieves. I’d like to suggest that you and I are like one of them. You read that correctly. We are like one of the thieves being executed. Let me explain. 

Studies have proven that we nearly always view ourselves as more moral than others. That we view our actions and behaviors as less harmful than others. We justify what we do by saying it’s not as bad as what “they” do. In the Bible we read about the Pharisees. They were offended by Jesus. In their eyes, they were righteous. They weren’t bad, everything outside their circle was. Jesus refuted that by preaching that evil doesn’t come from the outside in. It actually is the opposite. It comes from the inside out. Ouch!!! 

Like the Pharisees, we want to see ourselves as good people. We long for that. We even compare our sins to others. We don’t steal. We don’t harm others. Murder others. We tell ourselves…Our lies are small. Our arrogance isn’t hurting anyone. We talk behind other’s backs. But are friendly to their faces. The list of our “harmless” sins is lengthy. Any of this sound familiar? Now, let’s return to the thieves. One mocked Jesus. The other knew he was guilty. So how are we like one of them? Here is my answer. They both needed a Savior. But, only one recognized that. Which one are you?

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February 23 Devotion

Today is my birthday. It has me thinking about gifts. Do you like gifts? I think we all enjoy them to some extent. Especially, gifts

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February 22 Devotion

Today, I’m getting this out a little later than usual. Because I had to travel this morning. Recently, I had a conversation that was built

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February 21 Devotion

Some of us live in circles where we might be the only believer in that group. Especially those who have only recently found their faith.

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February 20 Devotion

Those around you that don’t know Christ, will probably be curious about your relationship with Christ. Chances are, they’re not going to understand it. They’re

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