February 13 Devotion

As we grow, we should learn something new every day. Some of those things are ones that we can take with us to help us make better choices. And other times they are simply things for us to enjoy and embrace. We just need to keep our eyes and our minds open in order to find something to learn from. If we don’t, I believe we should look around and see what it is that we can change to make that happen. The same can be said about our Christian lives.

Our walk with Christ should include us continuing to learn on how to be stronger for him. Our walk with Christ should never stop. It should continue to grow. I’m sure if you think about it, you might know someone several years older than you that is a great example for you on living a good Christian life. And I bet if you look closely enough, you will find that they continue to grow. That they are daily looking for ways to strengthen their faith. This is exactly what we should be doing. Building and learning every day. Strengthening our foundation every day. It should never end.

Paul knew this. He knew that we should have goals. He knew that we should continuously move forward. In the Bible, Paul writes that we should continually work on building a greater knowledge of Jesus. His wisdom still holds true today. Some days we are going to learn more than we do other days. Some days we are going to feel closer to God than we do on other days. Some days we will have more excitement than we do on other days. And some days, we are going to feel more weary than we do on other days. Whatever our days hold, it’s up to us to press forward. To never quit. It’s up to us to allow God to teach us, and then ultimately use us. He wants to do this because he loves us. He always has. He always will.

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February 23 Devotion

Today is my birthday. It has me thinking about gifts. Do you like gifts? I think we all enjoy them to some extent. Especially, gifts

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February 22 Devotion

Today, I’m getting this out a little later than usual. Because I had to travel this morning. Recently, I had a conversation that was built

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February 21 Devotion

Some of us live in circles where we might be the only believer in that group. Especially those who have only recently found their faith.

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February 20 Devotion

Those around you that don’t know Christ, will probably be curious about your relationship with Christ. Chances are, they’re not going to understand it. They’re

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