I’ve had a number of different friendships throughout my life. Being an ARMY brat, we were constantly on the move during my youth. We counted one time. Believe it or not, I had 25 different addresses at one point. Wow! Back before social media existed. So those friendships pretty well ended when a move began. Then going into my early adulthood, my friendships were based on college and then my teaching career. Now later in life, my friendships are more centered around where we are in life. The common theme that I see that extends all the way from the constant moving until now, is that my friendships have all been built on similar interests. Nothing wrong with that. Well then the question stands, why did those relationships end?
I think communication might be one answer. When I stopped connecting with those people throughout the years, those relationships stopped as well. When we stopped talking, stopped seeing each other, we basically stopped being friends. As I stated earlier, social media didn’t exist. Cellular phones did not exist. It was almost as if the situation was…Out of sight means out of mind. I wish that was not the case. And I often find myself wondering how some of my childhood friends are doing now. I wonder where they are. I wonder what their lives are like. Especially some of the young men that I played sports with. You could see some amazing talent coming out even in those younger years.
Now…the point of this devotion is not about friendships coming and going. It’s about how we can lose sight of God and that relationship can come to an end. It’s about how we can stop communicating with God and that relationship can come to an end. And it’s also about how this will happen because of something that we decide. Not because of something that God will decide. He will not stop speaking to us. He will not stop trying to convict us. He’s not going away. It’ll be on our side if this happens. We will be the ones who will end our conversation with him. We will be the ones who stop praying to him. Stop asking him for guidance and wisdom. It rests on our shoulders. Not God’s. So my suggestion to you is this, make it a habit to pray daily to our God. Make it a daily habit to lift up your concerns and your celebrations. He wants to hear from you. He wants to hear from us all. Because he loves us. He always has. He always will.