Yesterday we talked about beginning a daily habit of praying to God. Prayers of concern. And prayers of celebration. It’s our way of talking to God. How should we do this? What should it look like? On our knees? Heads bowed? Hands locked? Eyes closed? What should prayer sound like? Quiet, intimate prayers? Loud, boisterous prayers? I don’t know the answer. I do all the above and more. I even pray when I’m driving. Talking to God as I go down the road. The disciples wanted to know how to pray as well. I think the situation might dictate how to pray. And here some guidelines you might want to follow.
First, recognize God for who He is. I like to praise him for his love and grace. And also for sending us Jesus. Second, I think we should ask him what his will for us is. We ask how we can serve him. Third, tell him our needs. He knows our needs. But I think he wants to hear them from us. Finally, if there’s something you are thankful for and maybe you need to be forgiven for, pray over those. And strength to fight temptations. These are simply ways that I pray each day.
As I said, I’m not sure what the answer for everyone is. But I know God loves us. He wants to bless us. He wants to forgive us. He wants to guide us. So let’s work on praying consistently. Let’s pray daily. Pray for, and pray over, others. Take advantage of the fact that God has provided a way for us to communicate with him. And remember this one last thing, pray expecting God to hear you. He will. Because he loves you. He always has. And he always will.