February 25 Devotion

Have you ever had to sit back and watch the “ship sail away” leaving you behind? During that time, had to let others talk bad about you behind your back? Let the lies spread. All the while, you knew the truth. We’ve had that experience. Friends of ours have as well. It can feel like a very lonely time. A few years ago, Barbara and I had to step away from something that we loved dearly. God was telling us to move on. Things had changed. We were heartbroken at that moment. We had to pray for guidance like we never had before. We had to wait for him to answer. Kind of a funny point. Several of our friends reached out and told us they were praying for us. They thought that our marriage might be in trouble. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Reality was, we had to sit back and wait. It was during that moment God was silent. We didn’t know why. But a few months later his purpose was revealed. Oh my goodness, was it glorious!

When God seems silent, you are still called to go forward in faith. You are to continue to do the things that please God. Be ready for frustration. It’s going to come. But stay the course. It’s during the times of his silence that he’s building you. Preparing you. Getting you ready for something that’s coming. Be confident knowing that. Trust it. Know that he’s answering your prayers with his silence. And know that he will reveal it to you in his time. Not yours.

It’s also important to remember that sometimes the answer from God is NO. Sometimes he’s preparing you to not do something. To not be a part of something. He’s keeping you away from there because it’s for your own good. You may not like that. You may not agree. But in time you will see why. So maybe today is the day for you to be still. Maybe today is the day for you to search for God‘s answers. To see what he’s telling you. Or what he’s not telling you. And always remember, it’s for your own good. It’s for his glory. Not ours. His.

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February 23 Devotion

Today is my birthday. It has me thinking about gifts. Do you like gifts? I think we all enjoy them to some extent. Especially, gifts

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February 22 Devotion

Today, I’m getting this out a little later than usual. Because I had to travel this morning. Recently, I had a conversation that was built

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February 21 Devotion

Some of us live in circles where we might be the only believer in that group. Especially those who have only recently found their faith.

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February 20 Devotion

Those around you that don’t know Christ, will probably be curious about your relationship with Christ. Chances are, they’re not going to understand it. They’re

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