March 2 Devotion

Yesterday was the opening day of trout season. Thousands of people were lined along side the river casting time after time, trying to land that one “lunker” that has avoided them cast after cast. We say a lot, that sometimes the best conversation between two men is simply saying hello, casting a line, hours of silence, then saying goodbye. Just knowing someone is there can be therapeutic. Just knowing someone is there can be very peaceful.

We believe that man, all men, are searching for peace. So please bear with me as I try to explain this. We have stated this before. And we’re going to do so again today. Because we believe it might be the one thing that all men are looking for. Question is, “Where do you find it?“ Just as we believe that all men are searching for peace, we also believe that finding it is going to be different for everyone. Let me rephrase that. How we find it is going to be different for everyone. Unfortunately, many are not going to find it because they look in the wrong place. And here’s the reason for that: The one true source of peace is Jesus. The one true answer for peace is Jesus. He is peace. No question about it. Therefore, finding Jesus is the key to finding peace. 

We can find peace and tranquility along river banks. We can find them in deer and turkey blinds. We can find them while driving on back roads through the country. But…we can only find honest, true, lasting peace in our hearts through Jesus. He provides that. He willingly provides that. I often say, “Sometimes we don’t know what we need until we get what we need.“ And that’s the truth with Jesus. Many people are searching. Looking for something that will only come from Jesus. That’s how I was. I was searching years ago. I didn’t know I needed him until I found him. So maybe today is the day for you to find him. To bring him into your heart. Maybe today is the day to receive the peace that only comes from Jesus. He will give it to you. Because he loves you. He always has. He always will.

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March 2 Devotion

Yesterday was the opening day of trout season. Thousands of people were lined along side the river casting time after time, trying to land that

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March 1 Devotion

Family dynamics are interesting to me. Sometimes, family members can be best friends. Other times, they are not so friendly with each other. In my

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February 28 Devotion

Do you experience anxiety? Do you know somebody who does? I think we all either experience it ourselves, or know somebody going through it. Being

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