March 3 Devotion

This morning’s topic is hard to make clear. Stay with me as I stumble through it. Here we go. Sometimes both believers and nonbelievers question if the gospel really works? Wondering whether or not if what Jesus preached 2000 years ago really is true. Was he, and is he still, the Savior? Is eternal salvation real? Does heaven really exist? Are all the promises from God true? Doubt is a natural response for humans. Because believing in the “un-seen” is difficult to do.

Now, proving that all of these truths that I’m talking about are real can be difficult. Especially to those who don’t already believe. Might be even more difficult for those who are doubting their beliefs. I think this because I believe that there is a spiritual warfare taking place in all of us. Satan is after our souls. He attacks the very core of our thoughts and beliefs. If he can put doubt in there, then he has a chance. But…at the same time, if we allow Jesus into our thoughts and beliefs, Satan does not have a chance.

When we change our thought process from self pleasing, to one of serving others, we begin to see the scriptures are true. When we concentrate on doing what God has called us to do, it becomes more obvious to us. As I have grown in my faith, it has become increasingly easier for me to see that what Jesus preached is in fact very real. During a recent conversation I had with a young lady, she was telling me that she can feel Jesus knocking at her door daily. That she is struggling trying to figure out who she is. Her old self is still fighting to keep her. I told her that God is convicting her. She is feeling the Holy Spirit coming after her. Just as Satan wants her, so does Jesus. Even more so. God is not going to stop convicting her. And that is a very real example of the truth that the Bible teaches us.

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March 3 Devotion

This morning’s topic is hard to make clear. Stay with me as I stumble through it. Here we go. Sometimes both believers and nonbelievers question

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March 2 Devotion

Yesterday was the opening day of trout season. Thousands of people were lined along side the river casting time after time, trying to land that

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March 1 Devotion

Family dynamics are interesting to me. Sometimes, family members can be best friends. Other times, they are not so friendly with each other. In my

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February 28 Devotion

Do you experience anxiety? Do you know somebody who does? I think we all either experience it ourselves, or know somebody going through it. Being

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