March 5 Devotion

Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of Coach Armstrong’s death. It’s no secret the relationship that I had with Coach. Still hard to believe that he’s gone. A couple of months before his death, he gave a message at his church. During one of his points, he became very emotional. He was talking about how we are in a fight. It’s a fight for our souls between the enemy and Jesus. And it is vicious. And he reminded everyone that Jesus loves us. Doesn’t have to. But chooses to. And that alone deserves our devotion to him. 

In the Bible (John 5), we read how God cares about us, no matter what we are going through. No matter what. No matter our past. No matter our present. No matter our future. NO MATTER OUR DEMONS! God loves us. That is awesome. We have a God that never waivers in his care for us. He is constant. He is secure. He is forever. And that is waiting for us.

We all carry stuff. We all carry things that tap at our hearts. Things that bring us down. Things from our past. Things we regret. The question is, do we really want to get well? Do we want to heal? Do we want to get past those issues. In John 5, we read about Jesus healing a man. But, even before he did, the man gave some excuses for not believing it can happen. Sound familiar? Have you ever doubted that Jesus can provide salvation. Ever think: “I’m not worthy. I have issues. If I could just….” I’m sure most of us have had these thoughts. No matter what we are going through or believe, Jesus says come to me. He will help us. But it requires action on our part. Drugs, relationships, anxiety, etc. Nothing can keep us from him if we choose to seek him. And know this, sometimes we need to stand up for God. Sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zones. Show that we believe. He will help us do these things if we ask him to. And let me make this last suggestion: Let’s remember to rejoice and give thanks for what he has done. And for what he’s going to do. Let’s “act” on our beliefs for Jesus.

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March 5 Devotion

Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of Coach Armstrong’s death. It’s no secret the relationship that I had with Coach. Still hard to believe that he’s

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March 4 Devotion

On this morning four years ago, I received a phone call that absolutely floored me. Coach Armstrong‘s daughter, Alice, was on the other side of

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