What makes you fearful? Maybe to the point that you are unable to function. Anything come to mind? Fear is a big reason why people give up. It can make people slow down. Stop trying. It keeps people from reaching their full potential. It can cause failure. Sometimes people don’t feel qualified to succeed because of fear. Some of us allow fear to control our lives. Just hearing the word fear, can cause fear in people. Although some of us have this over us, God can still use us. Here is something that I read: “God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies those who are called.”
In the Bible, we read of several people who were fearful. But God still used them in amazing ways. Moses, David, Saul, and Noah. We know their stories. Pretty incredible. And as incredible as they are, each man was fearful. Even lacking faith. Even though they exhibited fear, God took these men and used them to fulfill his plan. And he can use us too. Even in times we are scared, God can use us. Even in times we doubt ourselves, God can use us. We just need to turn our eyes on him. Listen to what he says. Trust in him. Keep him at the center of our circumstances.
So today, let’s keep God in the middle of our lives. Let’s work to have more faith than we do fear. Let’s believe he can get us through. And let’s take each step, knowing he is there. Moses, David, Saul, and Noah, are all examples for us. Overcoming fear. Having faith. Let’s learn from them and let our faith see us through. We will be able to do amazing things. God can use us in ways we will never be able to comprehend. Let’s be ready, because God may call on us when we don’t feel the time is right. He may call on us during our times where we feel the most fear. If he does, trust him. And take comfort in knowing that it is part of the plan he has for us. And that is glorious.