March 12 Devotion

It is easy for us to get caught up in earthly things. Everywhere you look we are being enticed to eat here, buy this, come here, try that. Television, radio, computers, phones, and more. Each grabbing at us. Friends, family, acquaintances, even those we don’t know. People actually make good careers out of marketing. They’ve learned the best ways to get our interest. Now, I’m not suggesting there’s anything wrong with any of these. In fact, I enjoy many earthly things. Let’s just remember to not value them over everything else. Let’s be sure to have our priorities in the right place. 

One thing I truly enjoy, and get “joy” out of, is being out in the creation. I’m aware it’s part of this earth we call home. But, I’m more aware of the fact God created it. And we should enjoy God’s creation. We should celebrate God’s creation with joy! And if we look at this more closely, we realize we are part of the creation. God created us too. And when we look at it like this, then we know that all of creation should rejoice and praise God. The joy of creation is Christ-centered. 

So let’s conclude with this. Yes, we are in this world. We are in an earthly existence. But let’s keep our eyes on God. Knowing that we are part of his creation. Then we can experience life on earth knowing how it all came to be. And then when we leave from here, we will get to celebrate and rejoice with the one who created it all. It really is amazing when you think about it. You live a life on earth. A life which is part of his creation. Then, when life ends here, we spend eternity with the creator. Read that again. Eternity with the creator. But don’t forget, in order to spend eternity and heaven, we need to believe that Jesus is the Christ. The son of the Living God. Our Lord and Savior. That’s the key. And he gives us that key because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

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March 12 Devotion

It is easy for us to get caught up in earthly things. Everywhere you look we are being enticed to eat here, buy this, come

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March 11 Devotion

The last couple days we’ve talked about different people going through difficult times. Joseph had a very hard time with his family. The Israelites faced

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March 10 Devotion

Sometimes I joke around and I say things like, “If you give me long enough I can mess things up pretty good.” I recently made

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March 9 Devotion

Have you ever felt stuck. Where it’s like you haven’t moved forward in a while. Things seem to be on pause. Or on hold. Sometimes

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March 8 Devotion

Barbara and I had the honor of shooting the starting gun for the beginning of the 2023 Roaring River State Park trout season. That was

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