Operation Thunder Chicken

Kansas Session: April 16-18, 2024
Missouri Session I: April 14-16, 2024
Missouri Session II: April 19-21, 2024
Missouri Session III: TBD

• All expenses paid spring turkey hunt
• Southwest, Missouri and Southeast, Kansas
• Any and all veterans are welcome to apply
• Wheelchair accessible locations available

Applications are due by March 17, 2024

Any and all veterans, retired or currently serving, are welcome to apply. Applications can be found on our website. Apply here.

There are several opportunities to volunteer or serve at this hunt. Join us in the battle to show God’s grace and combat veteran suicide. Apply to Volunteer.

First and foremost, we need your prayers. Pray over the entire event and everyone involved. Pray that lives are changed. Pray the Jesus’s presence is felt.

We need meals for each day. Those include lunches and dinners on Friday and Saturday. There is a brunch style meal on Sunday. Churches, businesses, small groups, and individuals are welcome to contribute in this capacity. Charlie 22 can purchase the supplies if needed to.

We need places for lodging for veterans. This event is family friendly, so lodging may be needed for spouses and/or children. Hosts are not required to attend the event activities, but they are welcome too.

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Full sponsorships are $264 per veteran. Although the cost can be greater depending on their travel, we use that number to coincide with our ongoing Operation 22 A Day fundraising campaign. However, any amount contributed is a blessing.

Thank you for all of your support. More details will be added as we prepare for this weekend.

Daily Devotional

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July 26 Devotion

It has been 34 years since the last time I dunked a basketball. The last time I played a pick-up with some friends. The last

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July 25 Devotion

Yesterday we did a devotion that talked about the divide that we’re seeing in our country. How people go after each other on social media.

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July 24 Devotion

It’s election year. November is rapidly approaching. And just as we have seen in past years, there have been topics that have lit “fires” in

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July 23 Devotion

Raising children has to be one of the hardest jobs a person can have. It might be the hardest. Especially during the pre-teen and teenage

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July 22 Devotion

Although we had a pretty nice spring this year, sometimes it seems like spring gets shorter and shorter. It’s like we go from a cold

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July 21 Devotion

I’m curious this morning that if I asked you what it is that you love, what your answers might be. Obvious answers for those of

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